Our Body Already Knows How to Heal, And We Can Learn to Trust What It's Telling Us.

Healing, Trusting, and Even Wanting to Learn Our Body's Language SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE.

And we feel trapped by overwhelming emotions and trauma responses.

What if we could break free and find the safety and peace we've been longing for, plus learn the healing language of our body?

Through personalized 1:1 coaching and body-based practices, it's possible to transform our relationship with our body and step into a life that feels empowered, calm, and deeply connected with ourselves and others.

A Body that Remembers Trauma (even when we don't remember or don't want to remember) Often Does Things that Makes Us Feel Crazy...

Like feeling trapped in a body that seems to have a mind of its own—remembering trauma every time we get startled, have a racing heartbeat for seemingly no reason at all or feel numb when we want to feel something—It's scary and feels like crazy town.

It's a reality, where simple daily tasks can trigger overwhelming emotional responses that leave us feeling blindsided. We try to push through, to carry on as if everything is normal, but the weight of so many unspoken burdens grows heavy.

We search for answers in self-help books and in workshops promising quick fixes, only to get temporary relief that fades as soon as life throws another curveball.

It’s easy to compare as we watch others navigate life's challenges with grace and ease. We wonder why they don’t seem to constantly battle against themselves, like we do.

We criticize ourselves over the moments in our relationships when we've lashed out in frustration, anger or fear OR retreated into silence seeking some form of safety—hopelessness haunts us, leaving us to question if we'll ever regain control.

We often convince ourselves that this is just how life is meant to be, that some people are destined to carry their pain silently, afraid, like us, to admit we need help and think it wont help because things work for everyone but us anyways.

But deep down, we know (and hope) there must be another way—a way to reclaim our body, our emotions, our thoughts and our life from the trauma that wants to be in control and run our lives.

I invite us to think of a day when our body can feel like a safe, wise place. We might wake up feeling off or a little triggered but we aren’t afraid because we know how to get to a calm place.

And some days we wake up with zero triggers, ready and excited for the day ahead.

Our connections with others and ourselves are strong.

We know, and they know, that we can own our stuff, apologize and then repair where needed.

We handle challenges confidently, giving ourselves space to change our mind when needed and permission to feel a range of emotions because we know we can release the trauma that might come up.

We feel in control trusting we can give ourselves safety and love when needed. Knowing sometimes we will still feel out of control and wont be able to show up for ourselves and that's ok because we trust our ability to ground and settle back in to the safety of who we are.

I am a trauma-informed embodiment coach. Trained in using body-based techniques to release trauma held in the body, mind and heart.

I also have first-hand experience healing and releasing terrifying triggers of my own suppressed trauma.

I use my training and personal experience to help my clients also heal and release trauma from their bodies.

I love early morning runs by myself or connecting with family and friends for a trail adventure. Getting a good chat in while I mountain bike, hike, ski and snowshoe fills me up.

My adventurous husband and 6 kids keep me busy with all their sporting events, outdoor activities, and friend hang outs. Weekends are filled with kid activities, but when we are “free”, you will find us in a canyon, rappelling off cliffs or rafting on a river, (sometimes both in one trip).

Most of my life I was numb to my body, so being outside and using my body was a safe way to feel. Now that I've created safety in other areas of my life, being outside is more than safety, it's also a place to experience joy in an embodied way. More than with just my mind.


​Let me take you back to when my life seemed perfect—a loving family, a beautiful home, and a love for outdoor adventures.

But the reality was, I was numb, disconnected, and often dissociated from my emotions and body.

Frustrations with my 6 kids and a growing distance in my marriage (that my husband saw and talked a lot about, but that I couldn't see, but wanted to) made me willing to look at things differently.

As a mindset coach, I believed in the power of reframing thoughts, but these tools fell short when it came to my trauma.

This led me to explore body based healing tools—breathwork, somatic experiencing, yoga and chakras, inner child work, polyvagal theory and somatic EMDR. Each modality helped me become more embodied and understand how to release my traumas.

As I share my journey, I invite you notice what feels true for you with your own struggles and dreams.

The application of these tools, based on my own healing journey (and many trauma recovery trainings and certifications), are here to help you reclaim the parts of your body, mind and heart that were lost, fragmented and/or disconnected within your body due to trauma.

So, if you are seeking help to learn tools and how to apply them to your healing, from someone who understands what it's like to heal trauma, I'd like to...

Basic Foundation is a space where we can create safety together.

I honor all the work, you've done to get to this point. It's takes bravery, and strength to turn towards the known, and unknown, parts of our trauma. Especially when it feels so unsafe. In trauma work, we often need the help of another to not only see the things we can't, but also offer ways to feel safe when we can't do that on our own.

Basic Foundation offers...

Safety in Reclaiming

With 1:1 guidance, unique to you, I invite you to Go All In and get into your body so you can Let Go. Knowing that what it might mean to Go All In varies from day to day and moment to moment. Honoring this helps to gain back our choice and our power.

Listening to Our Body

​Healing accelerates as we listen to our body and learn it's language. Plus our bodies have lots of wisdom to share. In this program, mindset shifts are integrated through diving into body (somatic) based modalities. These are designed to reclaim control over our body's responses and find peace within ourselves.

Releasing Trauma

Imagine a life where trauma no longer dictates your reactions—releasing the trauma that once boxed us in and held us back creates safety for us to safely explore and heal.

Guided by personalized coaching and a toolkit of proven techniques,

I invite you into a journey of empowerment and healing. Are you ready to discover how to trust your body's innate ability to heal and thrive?

We have 16 weeks together. The videos & worksheets for each week rotate.

One week it's a concept about trauma and how that concept might be showing up in your life and the next I offer embodiment using a body based tool to help you get into your body.

16 topics - 16 weeks of learning how your body is speaking to you.

We can focus on the topic for the week or something specific to your needs that day.



And the beauty of this process is that we create movement and flow within our body that teaches our nervous system to move out of STUCK patterns.

When we can feel safe enough in our body to turn towards our trauma, we are no longer STUCK.

When we can honor that a release or turning towards our trauma feels scary, so we listen to our body, we ground and get safe again, we are no longer STUCK.

When we can release trauma because our body felt safe enough to turn towards the trauma and look at it, we are no longer STUCK.

What People Are Saying...

I understand that taking the first step towards healing can feel daunting. That's why I want to assure you that your choice to invest in this journey, not only feels safe and is what your body wants to do, but also profoundly rewarding.

So I invite you to take a deep breathe and check in with your body.



Frequently Asked Questions...

How does "Basic Foundation" differ from therapy?

While trauma-informed, and trauma-trained, my coaching isn't therapy. I integrate body-based tools to help navigate present trauma responses and build resilience. It complements therapy if needed but focuses on trauma coming into daily-life.

Can I combine this coaching with other therapies or treatments?

Absolutely! Many clients find that integrating this coaching with other therapies enhances their overall healing journey. It's important to discuss this with your other healthcare providers.

What can I expect from the weekly coaching sessions?

Each 45-minute session is personalized to explore body-based tools tailored to your needs. We'll work on creating safety within your body, regulating emotions, and navigating trauma responses effectively learning to release and rewire nervous system responses.

Are there guarantees with this offer?

Absolutely! I offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied after the first session, you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked.

How long does it take to see results?

Results vary, but clients often report feeling more grounded and aware after just a few sessions. Long-term changes depend on your commitment and the complexity of your trauma.

What if I'm not sure if this is right for me?

I understand it's a big decision. Schedule a Free Chat w/ Cami to discuss your goals and see if we're a good fit. There's no obligation, and I'm here to answer any questions.

Is this coaching suitable if I've never tried somatic practices or body-based tools before?

Absolutely! I'll guide you through each practice, ensuring you feel comfortable and safe. No prior experience is necessary, just an openness to explore new ways of healing.

How does the pricing work for your coaching sessions?

Pricing details are offered once you click one of the cream colored "Yes, buttons." There are pay in full and monthly choice options. We can discuss this during a Free Chat w/ Cami to ensure it fits within your budget.

What if I experience overwhelm during the coaching process?

It's natural to feel overwhelmed when addressing trauma. I provide tools to help you ground yourself and regulate your nervous system. We'll work at a pace that feels safe for you.

This is true for any emotion or sensation that comes up during our session together.

How do I know if I'm ready to start this journey?

If you're feeling the impact of trauma responses in your daily life and are ready to explore new ways to heal and connect with yourself, you're likely ready. Trust your intuition and take the first step toward healing today.

How is Go All In to Let Go part of Basic Foundation?

Go All In to Let Go is the main title of all my programs and Basic Foundations is actually one of the packages within this bigger structure.

What are the bonuses?

1- I am often offering challenges or additional trauma healing classes and resources. Those will be available for you to access for free while we are coaching together.

2- And as part of all my packages, I offer 2 Free, 55 min., Embodiment sessions in addition to the 16 week sessions.

I invite you again, to pause and check in. How are you feeling?

Tips, tools and ideas for how to incorporating yoga, somatics, polyvagal, mindfulness, breath, inner child work and more...into your healing journey.

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    I'll be sad to see you go AND I trust that you know what is best for your healing.